ADR Licence – A way to increase your income and employability.
Many drivers after passing their Class 1 HGV test, look for an effective ways to increase their income. One of the solutions is to partake in further training resulting in obtaining ADR qualification, allowing the driver to carry hazardous goods in bulk by road. Many employers are actively looking for drivers with this qualification and are offering significantly higher wages than the standard Class 1 licence counterparts.
Why do you need ADR Licence?
Certain types of cargo can be extremely flammable, toxic or explosive and could cause a serious injury to you or the environment. ADR licence ensures your knowledge about the accident avoidance and correct classification of dangerous goods.
9 Classes of dangerous goods
Dangerous goods covered by ADR training are split into 9 categories:
- Explosive Materials (Class 1 ) – Substances with explosion hazard that might project fragments, fire hazard and firebrands
- Gasses (Class 2 ) – All types of transportable gasses including flammable and toxic types
- Flammable Liquids (Class 3 ) – Mixtures of liquids that are giving off flammable vapours and have a flashpoint of no more than 60,5C
- Flammable Solids (Class 4) – Solids that are likely to spontaneously combust or emit flammable gasses when exposed to water.
- Oxidising Substances and Organic Pesticides (Class 5)
- Toxic and Infectious Substances (Class 6) – Vaccines, Cyanide, Arsenic and pathological specimens
- Radioactive Materials (Class 7) – including materials with activity greater than kilobecquerels per kg.
- Corrosive Materials (Class 8) – Corrosive liquids and goods that cause skin damage or damage to to other goods on impact
- Miscellaneous (Class 9 ) – Other miscellaneous hazardous items.
Where to find a reputable training centre
By law, every ADR training has to be approved by the Department of Transport, so make sure that you’ll choose a licensed and reputable training programme. Your course will most likely be split into modules covering most (if not all) of the categories above.
In order to find a reputable training centre follow this government website outlining available licensed training providers across the country.
If you’d like to become a licensed ADR Driver you’ll most likely need a Class 1 or Class 2 qualification first. We’ve provided a handy guide for our candidates. Click Here